Friday, January 11, 2013

Follow Friday: Geek Feminism

When I have time to keep up with my Google Reader feeds, one of my favorites to check on is the Geek Feminism Blog.

This has been an excellent resource for connecting with fellow Geeks, many of whom (but not all!) happen to be women.  It has pointed me to many scholarly articles for discussion on Twitter or this blog, many cool and Geeky craft projects to share with my Facebook friends, and a community for sharing what it means to be a woman in STEM.

My spring semester of classes has popped up on me faster than I expected, so I don't know how many posts I'll get out before I have to drop this to focus on school.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Just a quick post

If there is one thing the internet is teaching us, I think it's that humans are, well, human.

And that means that we have emotions, the full gamut: delighted, ecstatic, happy, okay, not okay, sad, despondent, furious, etc.

It also means that every one of us makes mistakes somewhere, somehow.

I know there's a lot of talk about digital dirt.  But I'm also starting to see more awareness that people are not a single impression.

Getting to know anybody takes time, conversation, more than just one blog post, or tweet, or meeting.

Everybody has good days and bad days.  Sometimes weeks, or months.  Who we are is not in isolated instances, but in the pattern that shifts with time.