Note: This is by no means a complete listing. If you wish your event/organization to be added, please comment. I will be working on updates as time permits.
Hands-On Competitions:
BEST Robotics, Inc. (robotics competition)
FIRST robotics competition
Future City Competition
International Space Settlement Design Competition
NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge
Odyssey of the Mind
Pencil-and-paper Competitions:
Academic Decathlon
Co-Ed Events:
Purdue Space Day
Especially for Girls and/or Women:
Wow! That's Engineering!
Expanding Your Horizons
Society of Women Engineers
Geek Feminism Blog
Geek Mom
Web Resources:
Design Squad (PBS website with resources tied to the show)
Engineer Your Life
Women Engineers - Engineer Girl
Hands-On Competitions:
BEST Robotics, Inc. (robotics competition)
FIRST robotics competition
Future City Competition
International Space Settlement Design Competition
NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge
Odyssey of the Mind
Pencil-and-paper Competitions:
Academic Decathlon
Co-Ed Events:
Purdue Space Day
Especially for Girls and/or Women:
Wow! That's Engineering!
Expanding Your Horizons
Society of Women Engineers
Geek Feminism Blog
Geek Mom
Web Resources:
Design Squad (PBS website with resources tied to the show)
Engineer Your Life
Women Engineers - Engineer Girl